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Life as a Multiplayer Game

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One way to view work is to frame it as a multiplayer game. Every year, we work our way up to the next level.

The difficulty goes up as we make our way up these levels – linearly at first, then exponentially.

As a result, we never ever feel completely comfortable. Just as we get comfortable in one level, it is time for the next one. We just have to embrace that constant discomfort – it is where learning and growth happens.

That doesn’t mean we can’t have fun while we’re at it. We have fun when three things happen.

First, we need to pick the right game. It starts here.

Next, we need to learn to fall in love with that process of learning and growth.

And finally, we need to find the right crew to play with.

If all three of these are in place in the game we’re playing, best to savor it… and make it count.

Another great post at “A Learning a Day” I highly recommend you visit.

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