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The Ideal University

Complaining, venting, exposing to the disinfectant of the light of day, can feel good

The real purpose is to find solutions and things that actually do work. And copy or spread the word.
At the bottom or end of your contribution, try to include:
What do you want to happen (in addition to what do you want not to happen. What is the opposite of your complaint?)
What is the opposite of the wrong you are exposing?

What is the right you want to have happen?

Everyone – All Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Contractors, Employees, 3rd Party Vendors, Etc. – Are fiduciaries for the students.
Being a fiduciary involves putting the student’s interest ahead of our own.

A fiduciary is someone who manages money or property for someone else. When you are named a fiduciary, you are required by law to manage the person’s money and property for their benefit, not yours. For example, a friend of yours may name you her fiduciary through a power of attorney (POA).

Fiduciary relationships are often of the financial variety, but the word fiduciary does not, in and of itself, suggest pecuniary (“money-related”) matters. Rather, fiduciary applies to any situation in which one person justifiably places confidence and trust in someone else, and seeks that person’s help or advice in some matter. The attorney-client relationship is a fiduciary one, for example, because the client trusts the attorney to act in the best interest of the client at all times. Fiduciary can also be used as a noun referring to the person who acts in a fiduciary capacity, and fiduciarily or fiducially can be called upon if you are in need of an adverb. The words are all faithful to their origin: Latin fidere, which means “to trust.”

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