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25 Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive in Your Freshman Year

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This article is all about the things you need to do to not only survive your first year of college, but to thrive in college. And many of the tools, skills, and habits that you can develop (if you take this article to heart) can not only be used to help you succeed in college, but in your future career as well.

The first few weeks on campus are extremely critical for all new students. It is during this time that you make critical decisions that will have an effect on the rest of your life. Some of these 25 tips are critical during your first weeks, while the others are meant for longer-term guidance and survival.

Whatever you do, be sure to be yourself and try to enjoy your college experience as much as possible. Expect to feel some stress and homesickness, but don’t let these issues wear you down.

25 Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive in Your Freshman Year

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