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ProgressQuest is a spoof on the MMORPG habit of “grinding” for experience points, that is, engaging in a non-entertaining behavior (killing non-player monsters) to achieve some other end, specifically an increase in levels, wealth, special weapons.

Just stop me, whenever you get the point of this analogy 😉

ProgressQuest requires very little interaction from the player. If it does require interaction, the interaction is meaningless. For instance, you can choose an affiliation—it doesn’t matter though.

In the game, which plays itself (the spoof is on the autokill function which relieves the player from going through the self-similar repetitive motions of trivial combat), you head out to the “killing fields”. Here you slay monster after monster (serve customer after customer, write report after report, take phone call after phone call, …) each time collecting a small reward (something the monster drops (an affiliate bonus, a sales commission, a mark on your resume or publication record). Once you have enough rewards, you automatically head back to town to sell them for a level upgrade (career rise, home upgrade, …) or a special weapon (vacation, new car, … ). Then you go right back to the killing fields.

I’ve been playing it for half an hour now. I can’t help to admit it’s kinda fascinating in a comatose kind of way—like watching TV—to follow along. It’s “engaging” to watch what you’ll kill next or what kind of “level” you’ll advance to or what “special weapon” you’ll be able to purchase.

Much like real life…

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