Another great post from Jacob. (A website way more than “just” about retirement!)
After reading a great post on the soul crushing aspects of 9-5 McJobs over at Monevator, I started writing a response… and as it often happens, the response got overly long and I figured I’d turn it into a blog post instead.
Speaking of cakes(*), I think that’s actually part of the problem/resentment with employment/careers. Some of us (possibly the hardest working and most idealistic) think we were promised far more than we got and suffered from careerism. Others were perhaps more realistic in their assessment and just resigned to work to pay the bills. Yet others, got more than they thought they would get or they thought they’d deserve based on their own understanding of their performance yet they learned to play the game. Maybe those are the one’s who enjoy their careers the most. Who knows?
I have a theory that perhaps much fewer people are really meant to go to school to become employed than are presently doing it under the one-size-fits-all mentality that’s so prevalent in our mass production society.
(*) The cake is a lie is an internet meme from a game much like All your base are belong to us. I never played the game myself, but I get the point. Listen to the end game song from the game. It’s a wonderful and sad song. One of the comments on youtube said he’d want it played at his funeral. I might just add that idea to my will.
Bill Gates and other college dropouts figured this out pretty fast, whereas others, like me, were much slower to figure it out.
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