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If lying was a paid job, many narcissists would be billionaires.

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Most important takeaway was: “narcs rarely confess. the goal isn’t to get them to admit the truth. the goal is for you to decipher the truth beneath their lies.” 4:20

If lying was a paid job, many narcissists would be billionaires. when you catch a narcissist in a lie, it’s funny though, that they end up way madder than you. narcs will (next to) never admit liability especially where there are consequences involved.

One comeback to deal with the narcissist that I’ve used is to ask them “why do you think it’s in my best interest to believe what you’re suggesting?” this question reveals that what they’re telling you is not in your best interest at all. I’ve had my own personal experience narcs and their flying monkeys, and this question has worked every time.

A comeback I’ve used to call out the nose-growing Pinocchio narc: “lying about me doesn’t change the truth about you”. their face then turns several deeper shades of tomato red.

cheers from southern Ontario, Canada

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