Title VI Reporting
If you have been harassed or subjected to discrimination,
or a witness to harassment or discrimination
– How to File a Complaint –
Any current or former employee, applicant for employment,
or student who believes he/she has been subjected to discrimination or harassment at TTU,
or who believes that he/she has observed discrimination or harassment taking place,
should file the complaint with the designated Title VI Coordinator.
Supervisors are required to report complaints of harassment and discrimination.
Complaints that fall under Title VI must be filed within 190 days.
Title VI Coordinator – Greg Holt
Email: gholt@tntech.edu Phone – (931) 372-6062
TTU Policy 142: Process for Filing Title VI Complaints
Claims regarding Discrimination or Harassment based on race, color, or national origin report to: Compliance Officer, Greg Holt at (931) 372-6062, gholt@tntech.edu, or Tennessee Human Rights Commission. Feb 7, 2023
Human Resources – Complaints and Concerns