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Mark Cuban: A better approach would be for universities to…

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Beyond pharma, Cuban is thinking about higher ed, another industry ripe for disruption. “The one thing I will never do is give a school money, because all they’re going to do is build buildings,” he says. He argues that a better approach would be universities stripped down to the basics. Skip the “pretty dorms,” fancy cafeterias, rock-climbing walls and Division I sports and focus instead on recruiting the best teachers and keeping tuition low.—new-venture-focuses-on-selling-low-cost-drugs/

Do you agree or disagree or don’t care? Would this work? Is anyone doing this already? Is it successful, a disaster?

Meanwhile: University of Tennessee continues major construction projects

Meanwhile: Budget provides $100 million for building projects at Tennessee Tech

The project budget for the Advanced Construction and Manufacturing Engineering building is $62.4 million, with the university having to supply nearly $5 million (of which nearly $1.7 million must be from private giving). The initial project timeline is for nearly four years. Upon completion of the new facility, the college will vacate its space in the East Stadium structure, and Lewis Hall and the Foundry building will be demolished.

Johnson Hall, home of the College of Business and built in 1970, will undergo a complete renovation, which includes updating the building’s systems and equipment (such as HVAC), along with reallocating its space utilization with regards to classrooms, labs, student collaboration spaces and office areas.

Do you agree or disagree or don’t care? Would this work? Is anyone doing this already? Is it successful, a disaster?

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