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Report Complaints in Tennessee

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Request for Complaint Review

DPSA has the authority to investigate complaints related to certain postsecondary educational institutions to determine whether an institution violated applicable state law, an institution’s internal policies, or State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) policies.

DPSA does NOT have the authority to review complaints:
    alleging a violation of federal laws or rules (including violations dealing with the
     administration or disbursement of Federal Student Aid);
    against Tennessee public institutions unless the complaint concerns issues related to
     the SARA and is made by a student residing out of state;
    against K-12 institutions. 

      For complaints against K-12 institutions, contact your local school board or the Tennessee Department of                Education (TNDOE). The TNDOE main line is (615) 741-5158 and the legal department is (615) 741-2921. The             website is Education (

Pursuant to Rule 1540-01-02-.19(9), any student who files a complaint with DPSA, must first exhaust the grievance process at the institution. Parties to the complaint shall be the complainant and any named institution or agent thereof.

To file a complaint, complete the Request for Complaint Review form.  To authorize another individual with whom DPSA may discuss your complaint with or you are filing the complaint on behalf of the student, complete the Complaint Information Release Authorization and include it with the Request for Complaint Review form.

If you have any questions regarding the complaint process, you may contact Marcie Mills at or 615.253.7458.

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