A new report from Student Monitor asked college students to identify the biggest problems on campus, and their top three answers were cost of education, stress, and alcohol abuse.
The student market research company spoke to 1,200 full-time four-year college students this semester about a range of topics, including what they saw as the biggest problems on campus. Students were asked to list the top three problems from a list of 21 options — 63% of the students included “cost of education” in their responses, the most cited problem by far.
Additionally, 66% of the students surveyed agreed with the statement that the “cost of college is too expensive.”
However, another recent report from the Brookings Institute found that college isn’t actually getting more expensive, despite what is popularly believed. Rather, although the sticker price for college has steeply increased over the last decade, the net price — what students are actually paying — has stayed fairly steady.
Expenses are not the only thing colleges students have to worry about, though.
More than a third of the students surveyed — 38% — named stress as a major problem, and 32% said that alcohol abuse and binge drinking was also one of the biggest problems on campus.
According to a 2008 survey from the Associated Press and mtvU, 80% of American college students say they “frequently or sometimes experience daily stress.” The National Institute of Health reports that of the college students who do consume alcohol, about half binge drink — defined as drinking around 4-5 drinks in two hours.
Here’s the chart of what students think are the biggest problems on campus, via Student Monitor: